
Welcome to the Parenthood Activate! webcomic page. Parenthood Activate! is my very first webcomic and something I’m extremely proud of. It’s my way of sharing the everyday triumphs and struggles of being the mom to the world’s shadiest but lovable smol human. My son brings his father and I so much joy and makes sure we are always on our toes when it comes to trying to keep up with him. I chose sharing these experiences via the comic medium because it is so near and dear to my heart. I currently write for FANGRRLS and other pop culture sites and I’m constantly writing about comic stories old and new, how they’ve impacted my life, how they relate to everyday life, and most importantly, my goal is to introduce others to a form of storytelling I love so much. If you happen to follow me on Twitter, next to sharing story about my child, comics are a very close second. Now is my time to contribute to the comics community with Parenthood Activate!. So please, pull up a bean bag chair and stay for a while, I promise I’m only getting started. 

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Is a meme queen and a thread of comedy and mom to a busy toddler. You can hear her pop culture commentary on the former podcast The Lemonade Podcast and get a taste of her comic book expertise on the first two seasons of Misty Knight’s Uninformed Afro. You can find some of her other written works on Den of Geek and NerdsofPrey. She has been featured on NPR’s Fandom series.



Sarah A. Macklin was born and raised in Blythewood, South Carolina, a little town that you’ll miss if you blink. She’s loved comic books since her mother bought her a Spiderman digest comic in Winn Dixie in the 80’s. That love brought her to study art at Winthrop University, majoring in graphic design and then illustration.

She has worked to improve her art daily, expanding her knowledge in different mediums to find the best one for her artstyle.  She is currently working on the webcomic Magical Girl Tiffany, which will debut in the near future.